Vitamin deficiency can have serious consequences, resulting in conditions ranging from extreme fatigue, allergies, asthma and gastrointestinal problems to high blood pressure, anxiety and depression.
Only the proper Vitamin therapy can deliver the necessary high concentrations required for maximum absorption and effectiveness, while avoiding any possible side effects, such as upset stomach of oral supplements. A small blood sample is analyzed by our expert to evaluate the specific vitamin or mineral deficiencies. Based on these results, a customized prescription will be prepared for your specific needs.
A consultation with our Nutritionist will also ensure the patients include the necessary essential vitamins in their diet, to achieve optimum results and prevent a deficiency from reoccurring.

Hydraboost Cleanse
Feeling Dehydrated? Cleanse and revitalize your system. Hydration cleanse is a carefully
formulated to provide electrolytes and minerals to meet your specific needs.
(1L Fluid, ** Normal Saline or Lactated Ringers)
Indications: Electrolyte Imbalance, Poor Diet, Dehydration, Fatigue
Benefits: Hydration, Essential Vitamins and Minerals Replacement, Increased energy
Body Aches Treatment
Feeling achy? This is a powerful hydration infusion that contains essential electrolytes,
combined with anti-anti-inflammatory medication, formulated to promote system recovery
(1L Fluid, ** Normal Saline or Lactated Ringers + Toradol)
Indications: Muscle Aches, Dehydration, Fatigue
Benefits: Pain Relief, Hydration, Energy, Increased Energy
Migraines Treatment
Got a migraine? Try this exclusive blend of mind cleansing hydration with an option for a
pain relief medication, and option for relaxing sleep medication can be added if needed.
(1L Fluid, ** Normal Saline or Lactated Ringers + Toradol, Reglan, ** Anti-nausea
medication (Zofran), and a proven anti-migraine prevention electrolyte (Magnesium) can be
added upon client’s request)
Indications: Migraine, Impaired focus, Depressed Mood, Chronic headaches
Benefits: Migraine/Headache Abortive treatment, increased mental focus, Enhanced
cognition, enhanced mood, improved focus
Jet Lagged
Traveled and feeling drained? Your body needs this total nutritional formula to re-hydrate
your body, energize your mind and body with vitamin B12 and B-complex. Optional antinausea additive
and sleeping formula can be added upon client’s request to promote quick
recalibration of the body before or after traveling.
(1L Fluid, ** Normal Saline or Lactated Ringers + Toradol, Reglan, ** Anti-nausea
medication (Zofran), and a proven anti-migraine prevention electrolyte (Magnesium), or
Bendaryl can be added upon client’s request)
Indications: Feeling sluggish after traveling, weakness, fatigue, headache, poor sleep
Benefits: Energy, sleep, pain relief, recovery.
Stomach “Bug”
That stomach “bug”! Your body needs this perfect formula of gut cleansing electrolyte
hydration, anti-nausea (Zofran) , and acid-reducer (Pepcid), all carefully combined to rid
that toxins out of your system.
Indications: Anti-nausea, anti-emetic, stomach burning, dyspepsia, no headache, poor
Benefits: Nausea relief, vomiting relief, relief of stomach burning, headache, migraines,
toxin removal
Hangover Cure
Worked hard, played harder? Try our very popular mix that contains anti-nausea, acidreducer, cleansing
hydrating fluids, cell energizing electrolyte (B-complex) and pain
remedy. Definitely a quick “pick-me-up” solution to get you back on your feet!
Indications: Headache, Nausea/Vomiting, Hang-Over, Fatigue, Dehydration, Headache,
Benefits: Pain Relief, Anti-nausea, anti-vomiting, electrolyte replacement, energy boost
Myer’s Cocktail
A powerful mix created by Dr. John Myers, this blend consists of magnesium, calcium, bcomplex, vitamin
B-12, and vitamin c that enhances the immune system and helps reduce
Indications: Chronic Diseases, Low energy, Depressed Mood, Anxiety, Migraines &
Headaches, Hormonal Imbalances
Benefits: Hydration, Improved GI Health, Improved Sleep, Improved Mood, Balance
Restoration, Alleviate Stress
Immune System Booster
Feeling under the weather? Try our carefully comprised all-inclusive formula that includes
immune system boosting vitamin C, body energizing B-12, cell metabolizing b-complex all
infused in a hydration fluid to quickly deliver these supporting vitamins and minerals to
your system. Get that strength back and the recovery your body needs! Give your immune
system a boost!
Indications: Recent COVID or other viral Infections, high risk exposure to communicable
diseases, other cold/flu like symptoms, chronic conditions that impairs immune response
(i.e. Lupuse, **to be determined upon consultation), weakness, fatigue.
Benefits: Speeds up recovery from viral infection, prevents worsening symptoms associated
with the condition, improved immune response, Hydration, Energy
Health & Beauty
The best investment you can do is for yourself! Try our beautifying mix of vitamin and
minerals, mind and body energizing B-12, cell metabolizing b-complex, anti-aging master
antioxidant glutathione, all infused in an electrolyte filled hydration. This blend is
specifically designed to rejuvenate your body. This treatment is a great co-therapy
alongside exercise, healthy eating, and an active lifestyle. This treatment includes a
carefully comprised formula of vitamin c, B-12, b complex, lipo-c, and amino acids.
Indications: Slow weight loss, excessive weight gain, lack of energy, poor immune system,
poor diet, medications side effects, fatigue
Benefits: Speeds up weight loss (** in conjunction with diet and exercise), Hydration, Hair
and Nails Strengthening, Brightens skins and improve blemishes, improve immune system
Prism 5D
Coz’ your body deserved the best! This is our most inclusive treatment which is meant to
rejuvenate and rehydrate the mind and body. This power packed infusion includes
glutathione, multivitamins, b-complex, magnesium, B-12, vitamin c, and amino acids.
Indications: Uneven or poor skin complexion, low energy level, medication side effects,
increased inflammation, increased stress level, depressed mood, anxiety, migraines,
hormonal imbalances, recent infection, chronic conditions that affects immunity
Benefits: Enhance skin unevenness, eliminates free radicals, eliminates toxins, increased
energy, Immune system boost, pain relief, enhanced mood
** All pricing includes consultation with a Nurse Practitioner and 1:1 treatment with a
Registered Nurse